Participación: elementos de la comunicación. Tiempo disponible. Available time

  1. As interested as I may be in any subject, there is a limit.
    For instance, we’re all interested in this training,
    and that’s why be spend 2 or 3 hours every day here together.
    But we’re probably not ready to devote 10 hours straight to it!
  2. It is therefore a limited (or very limited) resource,
    that we need to manage.
  3. It is usually limited by the place where we meet itself,
    by the time of the day at which we meet,
    and always by the attention span of the attendants.

A time that suits all of us?

  1. IN SYNCHRONY: All of us at the same time.
    Very difficult that we are all available at the same time.
    When we are, only for a very short time.
  2. NOT IN SYNCHRONY: Each one at his/her own time.
    Internet allows us to work on ONLINE documents where we can share our thoughts in a structured WAY.
    Each one puts as much time as s/he can, whenever s/he can.
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